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Jaw Joint Diseases and Treatment

The joint that connects our lower jaw to our skull is our jaw joint, and thanks to this joint, we can talk and eat.
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Dental Jaw X-Ray

With dental radiographs, formations that may cause problems in the future are diagnosed early and included in the treatment planning.
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It is the restoration of normal function and appearance by filling the tooth tissue lost due to decay or fracture with various materials.
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Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

The procedure performed by removing the pulp tissue from the tooth and treating it is called root canal treatment.
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They are titanium and similar tissue-friendly materials applied to give function to toothless areas in the mouth.Implant application is carried out with the aim of the fastest possible dentition process according to the requirements of the person's work and social life.
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Implant Top Veneer

They are prostheses that are supported by implants as a substructure for the restoration of chewing, phonation and aesthetics in edentulous areas.
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It is the branch of science that treats tooth and jaw disorders that occur due to early loss of milk teeth and oral respiration and other issues.

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It is the branch of science in which the problems that occur in teeth are eliminated in children and preventive treatments are made to prevent possible problems that may occur in the future.
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It deals with inflammatory and structural problems of the gingiva, the peripheral tissue of the tooth.
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They are prostheses prepared by supporting the surrounding tissues and teeth for the cavities formed by the loss of more than one tooth.
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